Genshindle Guide
What is Genshindle?
I consider myself somewhat of a Genshindle aficionado, so one day while bored at work when I had some free time, I figured I might as well decide on the best possible starting guess. The best starting guess should be the one that contains the most of the most common answers, since having attribute(s) correct narrows down the results the most. After some quick work trawling the wiki, I determine that (as of 3.8) Kaeya was the best starting guess. Mondstadt is the most common nation, Cryo is the most common element, sword is the most common weapon type, and both treasure hoarder insignias and ballad talent materials are among the most common ascension materials and talent books respectively.
Inspired by the classic stare-cloud-pinky strategy of Wordle pros, I then set out to determine which characters would be the best follow-up guesses, which was relatively easy considering that I'd already tallied up which attributes were most common. I settled on Hu Tao and then Kujou Sara as my 'cloud' and 'pinky.'
I stopped there for the day, but eventually was bored enough felt inspired enough to go back and make an entire flowchart to determine what the ideal overall strategy would be. Basically, if I were to program an AI to play Genshindle, what exact pattern would I have them follow? Another hour or two of googling "flow chart maker online" and flipping through the wiki, and voila!
...hopefully it makes sense. It's not like I'm a skilled graphic designer, as evidenced by the design of this webpage... The boxes contain what should be the ONLY green boxes , hence why there is some overlap when it comes to attributes. If the answer has both Cryo and sword, then the recommended guess is Qiqi, but if it only has Cryo, then the recommended guess is Ganyu, for example. If two characters are listed in the same box, they are effectively interchangeable; guess one, and if it isn't correct then the other one will be. TH and F insignias refer to Treasure Hoarder and Fatui insignias respectively, since there was no way to fit all that in the little boxes provided by the delightful drawio diagram maker.
Assuming I did the math correctly (not that it's particularly complicated, but also not that I double-checked), this strategy averages ~3.06 guesses on any given round. I suppose anyone looking to find a better strategy would be looking to beat that number. In testing, I used this strategy to net a streak of 100 in under 20 minutes.
(Speaking of, I think having a Genshindle speedrun category would be quite fun, although perhaps I only say that because I already have a run to upload... as I said, streak of 100 in sub-20 minutes.)
I'd love to give some sage advice on the daily quote or daily ability categories, but frankly I don't see why I would need to. I find them quite fun, but I have never taken more than one guess on either of them. Maybe I do play too much Genshin.